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Africa Law Tech Festival

The Africa Law Tech Festival is the largest legal tech conference in Africa, convening over 2000 delegates from 40+ countries.
Read More About the Africa Law Tech Festival

Artificial Intelligence Projects

Explore some of the work we have done on Artificial Intelligence
See Our Artificial Intelligence Projects

Public Participation in Digital Policy

Explore some of the work we have done in collaboration with partner organizations.
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Lawyers Hub & Laws.Africa Accelerator Program for Startups

Join the Africa Startup Law Accelerator 2024 Program for Startups in Africa powered by Law.Africa and the Lawyers Hub.
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Africa Startup Law Accelerator

The Africa Startup Law Accelerator looks for early and growth-stage startups in East Africa, West Africa, Southern Africa and North Africa regions providing innovative tech solutions
Explore the Africa Startup Law Accelerator

Boda-boda Law Project

Welcome to the Boda-boda Law Project, an innovative initiative that provides technical legal advisory services to Boda-boda operators and Cross-border traders in Kenya and East Africa.
Explore the Boda-boda Law Protect